Networking in your Region

Sharing Information and Best Practice

Network with other AfPP Members

Being able to network with other perioperaive practitioners and share information and best practice is one of the main benefits of AfPP membership.

Our experience has shown that sharing ideas with other theatre practitioners can be invaluable.

You can meet other practitioners at our events, and paying members can join our lively discussion forums, Specialist Interest Groups (SIGs) and regional teams.


Our members are at the heart of everything we do. Talking to our members and listening to their needs enables us to shape the best products and services.

If you’re a paying member, you can join your regional team. It’s a great way to get involved with AfPP, meet other operating theatre practitioners and make your voice heard. The teams are very active and they’re always on the look out for new members.

Find the region closest to you from our map or use the list below.

Anglia Region

If you are a paying member and would like to join the Anglia Regional Team, please email

Regional Lead: Carly Boateng

East Scotland Region

AfPP’s East of Scotland Region covers the Fife, South East Scotland and the Dundee area.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the East of Scotland Regional Team please email

Regional Lead: Leah Polus Support: Sarah Davies

Leah Polus 

London Region

AfPP’s London Region is very active. The Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please contact

The Regional Lead role for London is currently vacant. 

Northern Ireland Region

AfPP’s Northern Ireland Region are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please contact:

Regional Lead: Jennifer Herron Support: Grace Rodgers

Jennifer Herron


North of Scotland Region

AfPP’s North of Scotland Region covers the Highlands and Aberdeen.

The Regional Team are keen to attract new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please contact your Regional Lead or email:

Regional Lead: Leah Polus Support: Sarah Davies


Leah Polus


North Wales Region

fPP’s North Wales Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please contact

Regional Lead: Craig Griffiths


North West Region

AfPP’s North West Region is very active and are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please email

Regional Lead: Lee Rycroft



Northern and Yorkshire Region

AfPP’s Northern and Yorkshire Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team, please email

Regional Lead: Coney Georgallis

Coney Georgallis, AfPP Regional Lead

South Central Region


AfPP’s South Central Region is always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please email

Regional Lead: Angela Losekann


South East Region

AfPP’s South East Region covers the areas of Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Thames Valley.

The Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the South East Regional Team please email

Regional Lead: Judith Creasy


South Wales Region

AfPP’s South Wales Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please email

Regional Lead: Craig Griffiths

South West Region

AfPP’s South West Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team, please email

Regional Lead: Peter Chell


Trent Region

rent AfPP’s Trent Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please email

The Regional Lead role for Trent is currently vacant. 

West Midlands Region

AfPP’s West Midlands Regional Team are always on the look out for new team members.

If you are a paying member and would like to join the team please contact

The Regional Lead role for the West Midlands is currently vacant.


West of Scotland

AfPP’s West of Scotland Region are keen to attract new team members.

If you are a paying member would like to join the West of Scotland Regional Team please email

Regional Lead: Leah Polus Support: Sarah Davies

Leah Polus


Overseas members

If you’re an overseas member and need any further help or support you can contact AfPP on 01423 881 300 or email
AfPP Regional Map