Endorsement & Accreditation ARCHIVE

Demonstrate your rorganisation’s commitment to high standards of perioperative care.


Generally, endorsement is used for educational materials and accreditation for training. The content will be reviewed by our panel of perioperative clinicians and educationalists to ensure credibility and good practice requirements. They can include:

  • Brochures, Books & Publications
  • Seminars & Courses
  • Websites
  • DVDs & CD-ROMs
  • Study Days
  • Apps
  • Product Literature


1. Special logo

  • Licence to use the appropriate endorsement & accreditation AfPP logo on the approved material during your two year endorsement & accreditation period in accordance with AfPP brand guidelines
  • Licence to use the appropriate endorsement & accreditation AfPP logo when promoting the approved material

Use of the AfPP logo must meet our corporate brand guidelines and approved.

The organisation will be able to use the logo during the two year endorsement & accreditation period. Where endorsement & accreditation is not renewed it is incumbent on the organisation to cease using the logo with effect from the last day of the two year period.

2. Marketing opportunities

  • One advert during the endorsement & accreditation period in the e-bulletin which is sent monthly to all AfPP members
  • 10% off future advertisements or inserts in the Journal for Perioperative Practice (JPP) or AfPP’s Job Forum, whilst your endorsement/accreditation remains valid
  • 10% discount on AfPP theatre access course, a training session designed to give delegates the competencies required to visit theatres to attend a surgical procedure
  • ACCREDITATION ONLY – Half page advertisement in either the JPP or the AfPP Procurement Guide, to include one company image and logo (excluding October edition – 2 year accreditation only).

3. Website links

Reciprocal links between the AfPP website and the endorsed/accredited organisation’s website via a hyperlink from the company’s logo.

4. Course database

ACCREDITATION ONLY – Your organisation will be listed on the AfPP website course database with details of your educational package (if relevant).


Products accepted for this service will be liable for a one-off fee, which will last for two years. For this fee AfPP’s expert panel will examine the content of material supplied with the application.

Pricing structure

For items such as Educational materials; brochures, leaflets, booklets, DVDs, Apps, websites, product literature (for example).

Literature size Price
2 pages £650
4-8 pages £850
12-20 pages £1150
CD/DVD/Video duration Price
15 minutes £650
30 minutes £850
45 minutes £1150

Endorsement guidelines

Endorsement is the approval of the clinical content of promotional materials and resources including presentations, websites, CDs, DVDs, Apps, books and leaflets.

The following should be incorporated into your application for approval of promotional material:

  • The content must be correct and in line with good practice (including AfPP’s standards and recommendations)
  • The content should be stated clearly and unambiguously, be easy to understand and be presented in a logical order
  • Full references must be provided for any material used
  • Diagrams must be clear with component parts labelled
  • There must be methods of obtaining support/further information
  • There must be examples of good or innovative practice
  • Contra-indications must be stated

Instructions for use – material must comply with the criteria above and below (where relevant):

  • There must be instructions on how to use the product
  • There must be cleaning/disinfection instructions
  • If single use, this must be clearly stated
  • There must be a trouble-shooting section (for equipment)
  • It must give maintenance requirements
  • It must give storage requirements

Assessment process for endorsement

  1. The completed application form should be sent to Stephanie Oates
  2. The £100.00 non-refundable deposit must be enclosed with your application. We would require a copy of the material being submitted for endorsement, preferably electronically.
  3. We will confirm receipt of the material and quote your unique reference number which will be used on all correspondence. Your reference number will appear on the AfPP endorsement logo which will be issued to you on completion.
  4. Your application will then be sent to members of our clinical and educational expert panel for a detailed examination prior to endorsement.
  5. You will be notified of any essential criteria that has not been met or any alterations that are required.
  6. Once your material has been passed for endorsement you will be issued with the invoice less the £100.00 deposit, which must be paid within 21 days. Upon payment of remaining balance, we will issue the AfPP endorsement logo complete with the reference number and validation date (in the form of the month and year), and brand guidelines.
  7. We will also request that a final copy of the endorsed material, complete with logo (where appropriate), be forwarded for AfPP files when printed.


Training: DVDs, CD-ROMs, websites, publications, study days, seminars, brochures, books or other.

Pricing structure

Cost is based upon the number of continuing professional development (CPD) hours provided.

CPD hours provided Price
Up to 2 hours £1,000
Up to half a day £2,000
Full day £3,000

Accreditation guidelines

The approval of the clinical content and the educational suitability of resources including courses, study days, seminars, workshops, presentations, websites, CD-ROMs, books, leaflets.

The following should be incorporated into your application for approval:

  • The content should be relevant to the perioperative environment and wider than the product information
  • The aims and objectives must be clearly stated and, in the case of an event, should also be stated on any promotional material
  • In the event of a study day, course, presentation, seminar etc, the facilitators should have professional, clinical and educational qualifications and experience. The teaching methods used should be appropriate, please state in your application
  • Any audio-visual and supportive materials used must be of a high standard
  • There must be means of evaluating the education. Please provide with the application
  • Up to date evidence and research must be incorporated into teaching sessions
  • Participants must be provided with a reference or further reading list

Assessment process for accreditation

  1. The completed application form should be sent to Stephanie Oates In the event of a course, study day, presentation or seminar, this must be at least six weeks before the event. The £300.00 non-refundable deposit must be enclosed with your application. We would require a copy of the material being submitted, preferably electronically if possible.
  2. We will confirm receipt of the material and quote your unique reference number which will be used on all correspondence. Your reference number will appear on the AfPP accreditation logo which will be issued to you on completion of a successful application (approval is not guaranteed).
  3. Your application will then be sent to members of our clinical and educational expert panel for a detailed review prior to accreditation.
  4. You will be notified of any essential criteria that has not been met or any alterations that are required.
  5. Once your material has been passed for accreditation you will be issued with the invoice less the £300.00 deposit, which must be paid within 21 days. Upon payment of the outstanding balance, we will issue the AfPP accreditation logo complete with validation date (in the form of the month and year) and brand guidelines.
  6. We will also request that a final copy of the accredited material, complete with logo, (where appropriate), be forwarded for AfPP files when printed.

Approved one-off educational events

Represents the approval of the educational content for one-off study days only and is subject to prior agreement with AfPP. Clinical content of the study will not be assessed, the item will be approved on the basis that it is in accordance with good practice. The approval is a three month licence which is possible to be renewed for a maximum of three times. Items that have been renewed more than three times will be ineligible to receive Approved Educational Event status and submission for accreditation will be encouraged.

Cost is based upon the number of continuing professional development (CPD) hours provided.

Two years after accreditation the renewal fee becomes due. Material is resubmitted to the expert panel to ensure the material is still current and continues to reflect best clinical practice.

CPD hours First three month licence Renewal
¼ hour £200 £180
½ hour £350 £315
1 hour £600 £540
2 hours £750 £675
3 hours £900 £810
4 hours or more £1,100 £990

Any questions?

Our friendly team would love to help with any queries you may have and you can contact us by phone or email during our office hours.