Code of Conduct
The code of conduct is currently under review and will be available to download here soon.
1 Purpose
1.1 Our Purpose:
The Association for Perioperative Practice exists to improve patient care by;
- Determining standards and promoting best practice
- Facilitating education and practice development
- Providing professional support services
- Providing a forum for partnerships with industry
- Shaping healthcare policy
2 Aim
This protocol serves to outline the standards of conduct presumed and expected of Board/committee members. It outlines
particular aspects of behaviour and conduct; it should not be viewed as inclusive.
The potential for judgements of misconduct and suggestions of unprofessional behaviour would always need to be
considered within the context of an individual’s primary registration and contract of employment with their full time
Individuals holding a professional qualification, or specific job role should be guided by their relevant code.
The AfPP Code of Conduct takes into account principles of good practice e.g. Cadbury, Hampel and Nolan expected within
business and public life to ensure appropriate accountability and governance.
All AfPP members must function within the boundaries of their employers’ contracts and not contravene any employment or
contractual rules whilst engaged in activities for AfPP.
This code serves to provide support to ensure that individuals do not place themselves in situations which present a conflict
of interests between their private interests, paid employment roles and AfPP responsibilities.
2.1 Our Vision:
Ensuring an enhanced patient perioperative experience by promoting best practice
2.2 The Guiding Values of our Organisation are:
To work with others to ensure best perioperative practice
To act in an open, honest and fair manner ensuring the maximum involvement of all those interested in our work
To manage resources effectively to achieve our vision
2.3 Public Service Values:
The values that underpin the work of AfPP are:
2.3.1 Accountability
All work and activities undertaken in the name of the Association must be able to stand the test of scrutiny,
public judgement on propriety and when paralleled to respective codes of professional conduct.
2.3.2 Probity
An absolute standard of honesty is required in all matters relating to the assets of AfPP. Integrity should be the
hallmark of all personal conduct in decisions affecting members, clients and customers and in the use of information
acquired in the course of business and all other activities
2.3.3 Openess
A level of transparency regarding AfPP activities must exist and be encouraged to promote confidence between
Board members, Elected Officers, Committee members, employees, Regional Officers and any individual
representing or acting on behalf of the Association.
Code of Conduct 1
3 Responsibility
3.1 The role of the Board:
To provide leadership of the Association and in matters related to perioperative patient care
To work co-operatively and communicate effectively with members of the Association
To set the strategic direction of the Association
To monitor performance against outcomes to ensure that strategic objectives are met
To undertake the role and deliver upon the responsibilities and workload that are commensurate with the post each
individual has been appointed within a supportive framework
To ensure effective stewardship of the Association’s funds and resources, ensuring financial probity
To ensure that AfPP is collectively and individually free from discrimination, harassment and bullying, stereotypical or
prejudicial behaviour, actions and communications
To ensure the highest standards of corporate governance and management are set and maintained
To ensure that AfPP is an employer of best practice, promoting equality of opportunity within a framework of fair and
equitable practices
To make decisions collectively and take joint responsibility for them
3.1 Individual Responsibilities:
3.2.1 General Aspects of Conduct;
In the fulfilment of their role AfPP members must undertake to:
Attend meetings, both corporate and external to which they have been appointed, ensuring adequate preparation, and
conduct themselves appropriately within the role to which they are appointed and contribute effectively. Individual cases
of poor performance in terms of these responsibilities will be thoroughly investigated and workload pressures, both in
paid employment and the AfPP role will be taken into account prior to action being taken
Ensure that in all communication that a clear distinction is made between personal views and those when acting as
an AfPP representative or related to a corporate AfPP position Declare in the AfPP register of interests, any professional,
personal or business interests which may be seen to conflict with their AfPP role and responsibilities and be prepared to
withdraw during discussion to ensure that AfPP actions are not subject to bias or influence by these considerations
Respect the confidentiality of information identified which they receive by virtue of their AfPP role/membership
Lead by example, demonstrating respect and dignity for others, value diversity and ensure non-discriminatory conduct at
all times
Ensure a clear understanding of the scope of authority delegated to them within their given roles
Use the AfPP funds entrusted to them to the best advantage of the Association, always ensuring value for money in the
procurement of goods and services
Refuse gifts, benefits, hospitality or sponsorship of any kind that might reasonably be seen to compromise their personal
judgement or integrity, and to avoid seeking to exert influence to obtain preferential consideration. All such gifts should
be returned and hospitality refused Declare and register benefits, sponsorship and honoraria of any kind, whether refused
or accepted, within a reasonable timeframe
Code of Conduct 2
Code of Conduct 3
4 Procedure
Board members, Elected Officers, Committee members, Region Officers and any individual representing or acting on behalf
of the Association, in their corporate capacity has a duty to ensure that the purpose and values of the Association are
effectively discharged in the interests of improving patient care as outlined within the Association’s purpose. In so doing, AfPP
members must comply with the principles set out within this code of conduct.
5 Commercial Activity
In the fulfilment of their role AfPP Board members must undertake to:
Recognise that the receipt of commercial sponsorship for relevant AfPP activities is acceptable, provided that any
potential conflict of interest both within individual employment or in relation to the activities of the Association are
declared and all associated concerns are registered
Declare and record financial or personal interest (e.g. company shares, contracts or potential employment) in any
organisation with which they have dealings and be prepared to withdraw from any discussions/decision making
processes regarding these interests, thereby ensuring that their professional judgement is not influenced by such
Not abuse their official position for personal gain, or to benefit their family or friends, or to benefit individual contractors.
Nor should they seek to advantage or further private business or other interests in the course of their official duties.
Ensure status within AfPP is not used in the promotion of commercial products or services of companies other than AfPP
or AfPP Ltd
Beware of bias generated through sponsorship, contractual and non-contractual obligations where this might impinge
on professional judgement and impartiality
5.1 Operational Policy:
5.1.1 Declaration of Interests:
Individuals have regular opportunities to declare their personal and business interests in terms of benefits, sponsorship,
honoraria, where a conflict of interests could be perceived or actually arise:
Regional teams – at Regional meetings
Committee members – Committee meetings
AfPP Ltd – initial acquisition and quarterly at meetings
AfPP Board – initial acquisition and quarterly at meetings
Past Elected Officers – in writing at time of initial acquisition and quarterly at Board meetings
A register of interests will be held and maintained at AfPP Headquarters, which may be subject to independent scrutiny
The Governance Committee shall act as scrutineers of the register and will be required to review the declarations
regularly. This committee will take action if there are any concerns regarding any conflicts of interest or concerns to
the Association or AfPP Ltd. Declarations of interest should be submitted on initial acquisition to the PA to the Board in
confidence and circulated to the committee
The Governance Committee will decide on the way forward for the individuals and the Association
5.1.2 Tenure of Board & Members:
Tenure is subject to behaviour and professionalism in accordance with the Associations role profiles, Code of Conduct and
Constitution & Standing Orders. The Associations aim is to ensure fairness and consistency of treatment within all disciplinary
or capability matters. Areas of concern or breaches will be managed by the Associations disciplinary and grievance policies.
The following are examples of conduct that may raise concern:
If there is a persistent lack of attendance at designated meetings or failure to deliver on the actions and work scheme
associated with the role, without justifiable reason (e.g. prolonged ill-health).
If an individuals conduct or behaviour is such that it may bring the Association into disrepute.
an annual subscription is not maintained by whichever method chosen
The Association’s aim is to ensure consistent and fair treatment of all.
If you have any questions regarding this Agreement or if you wish to discuss the terms and conditions contained herein please contact AfPP using the following contact details:
Email: enquiries
Telephone: +44 (0)1423 881300
Version: 0.02
Date: June 2019